Our professors discourage us from sleeping in the studio, but sometimes if I'm working late nights I'd rather just crash for a few hours and walk home when it's light outside. I wake up usually around 10am, shower, and get to the studio before noon. I'll set up and start working, go to class or guard at the pool and then make my way back to the studio for a few more hours. Because I don't walk the distance home on whatever short breaks I may have, I usually just go to the cafe and buy a sandwich. The problem with that is... the bucks add up. I was on the phone with my mother who agreed with me that a mini refrigerator would be ideal. I can buy one at Walmart for under $100, set it up in my studio and store some food there to get me through the long days and nights.
I'm not sure I've ever been so motivated as I am this year. The one thing that keeps me motivated is keeping active and busy. If I break for too long I know that I'll want to keep breaking... which will inevitably lead to slacking. I need to keep focused!
I met with Erik, one of my fourth year advisors, yesterday and talked about my ideas for my projects this year. He gave me a lot of great feedback which pushed my mind to bubble out even more possible ideas. This is why it's always important to participate in critiques when you can... whether it be class critiques, talking to your professors, inviting people (even Visiting Artists) to your workspace to see what you're working on. Hearing criticism and hearing what other creative minds have to say will motivate you to go even further with your artwork.
I'm pretty excited about my ideas for this year and I'll let you in on them as soon as I further develop them. I'll also take some pictures of my studio space and of what I'm working on so you can have a little peek. I'll try to have that posted for my next blog.
Remember: Don't hesitate to drop me a line if you want a tour of the fourth year studios!
Take care, folks.